Dr. Mohan Bikram Gewali-professor of Central Department of Chemistry (CDC) Tribhuvan University has written a new book entitled "Aspects of Traditional Medicines of Nepal". After his job as a director of RECAST (Research Center for Apllied Science and Technology) in Kirtipur, he went to University of Toyama, Japan as a visiting Professor and now he comes with this book. The book talks about the tradational medicines which are in practice for centuries in Nepal. The book gives more indepth about medicinal plants of Nepal. His past research focused on to finding chemical constituents of various medicinal plants of Nepal. One chapter of the book is devoted for folk medicines used in Manag district of Nepal which is more close to Tibet in terms of culture and geography. I liked the cover p
hotograph of the book very much which is Thanka painting of 108 Meditating Medicine Buddha.

I was his student in my Master degree study at CDC and I have great honour and respect for him.
The book can be downloaded from following link.

I was his student in my Master degree study at CDC and I have great honour and respect for him.
The book can be downloaded from following link.

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